I need compass, medical kit and love for the past few days. Thinking of school reopening in just a few hours, i am really so happy. Can't help it. Happy moments coming..
Maybe i am a bit contradicting but i don't want the holiday to end! Well, i think i pursue a life that is stressless and of course with my friends around. As stressless as now, as many friends as in school.
The only reason i don't want to go back to school is because of the distribution of papers. That is the one and only reason i could think of. Fearing that upon looking at the papers i would break into tears, that's for sure. Maybe not break into tears, but count the number of subjects i had flunk. Why is life so horrible?
Not forgetting that Band is resuming soon, this thought really dampened my mood. My time will be taken up by CCA again; preparing for next year's concert. I haven't touch my clarinet since CCAs were suspended.. Back to basics again..
Happy moments in just a few hours, I think i have to reconsider whether is it a happy moment. All well, be happy to welcome each day!!