Thursday, December 20, 2007


Before this is forgotten by me, i shall post this. I made my nails on Friday!!! WeiY, WangY and i were playing with the fake nails, painting and sticking them on our orginal nails. It was fun but the fake nails don't last long. They tend to drop off after awhile and i have to press them down. With that i can't even do my things. I wanted to message but i can't press the buttons. On the rage of anger and times of urgent needs, I took them all out. Got fed up with them.. =P

The nails look elegant and nice but they suit those rich. The rich don't need to do work thus the nails can stay on longer. Well, this is what i think!!

This thing made me wasted 2 hours not doing anything. Isn't that something not productive?? I think so!! =}

Do you love me??