Many things do bring back memories. Recently i had fun with badminton during Physical Education lesson. Many of you should know that i am not that very well-versed in sports but i am good at aesthetics. Badminton brought me back to the days when i was playing tennis. I am always crazy over tennis games but is put to a stop after some commotions. My badminton in tennis style appeared again today!! I got scolded by SM by that. Crush her!!! She hit me on my head with a badminton racket!! Do you know how painful was that?? My head had a ball which swell after MUCH massage.
I went for dance concert today as well. That was a great performance. Not to forget my primary school who did perform as well. I was quite stunned with their performance. I never know that De La Salle could produce such wonderful children. That is not the point. I suddenly find that i am really keen in dancing and wanted to continue maybe after i graduated from my secondary school. That will be a fresh new me with big changes!!! Pictures?? Oh well.. Some other time perhaps. Not to forget i still owe the pictures i took from CFN. Ok... Will have a post without words. =P