I went back to my primary school on the 19 this month. It was their cultural fiesta night. To be frank, i feel that the place is some sort of boring. Maybe i went there alone, maybe i have lost touch.
I saw lots of my teachers. Not lots but just the few that are still currently around. Due the the number of students they taught every year, most teachers forgot who you are, so on and so forth. There is this teacher who taught me in primary one, my form teacher, Madam Koh SL. She remembered my name, my handwriting, my attitude. I was like elated that there is someone who really remember me. Gives me that i am "someone" instead of "anyone" feeling.
There is something that i want to share!!! It is no other that the AVA window!! =P
This brought back lots of memories of mine. The window that we got "spied" by the discipline master, checking whether we were behaving without his presence.
Before leaving, i took a picture of an art which was done when i was in primary two. It somehow grew up with me.
I simply love the crest, the motto, everything.