Saturday, November 03, 2007

Power hungry

I am so angry today!! I look forward to band but i don't look forward to its politics!! I hate politics. What is the difference between a major and a section leader?? To me, a major is the person that looks after the whole band!! When it comes to a section, sectional leaders are the most powerful person. As a sectional leader, I don't care what post the person holds!! When that person "stepped" into my territory, that person must listen to me since i am the biggest or second biggest.. (Sectional leader is always the biggest in the section

The bible did mention, judge yourself before you judge others. To me, all people must look at themselves before they say others. If you scold me that I'm tapping my foot when i was playing, then what are you doing when you are playing?? You too tap your feet!! If you can, why can't i??Isn't a bit contridicting?? If you want my section members to SHUT UP their mouth, you just close yours first!! I believe my juniors will act accordingly to what you portrait. Since you can't control yourself, how can my junior control themselves?? Isn't it a common sense??

I am a assistant sectional leader. I also deserve respects!! I am not a maid!! I do arrange scores to help the members find their scores better. Packing the files and cupboard are NOT part of my duty. My duty is just to ensure the whole clarinet section is running. That is all!! Why should i listen to you and pack the cupboard when you "command" me to. I am also a leader!! Are you telling me that major can treat other leaders as maids??

I really had enough!! I don't like power hungry people.. I hope you would do some reflections on it!!

Feeling much better.. =P