Sunday, May 25, 2008

enjoyment 2

There is this hesitation whether is this an enjoyment.

First, my Chemistry teacher has been change into a new HOD. I am very reluctant because Mr Kat has been teaching us for one and a half years. Furthermore, O levels are coming in just a few months. Changing a teacher means we have to adapt her new teaching method which means everything got to start afresh. I can't see the reason why the school needs to change 4B's chemistry teacher since we had shown improvement for chemistry. I have talked to the current teacher and planned to appeal. As the principal shows care and concern to the students' welfare, i seriously hope that she could approve.

Now this, i am having severe toothache. Not because i didn't brush my teeth frequently but i am growing my wisdom tooth. Normally that is not really that painful, but with an ulcer, that is a different story.

I cannot blow my instrument and i need plenty of water to replenish myself. ARgh!!! Just wish that i could recover soon.

I did have a fun time in band yesterday and met lots of guest players. Some were really friendly, maybe over friendly. As a matter of fact, I did enjoy myself. Going off to rack my brains on food...

You love me; love me not

sorry that i didn't turn up...